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Two Storey Bank Style Banknote Counter - Mühlen Vision
Karadeniz Dış Tiraret

Mühlen Türkiye

Mühlen Vision

Two Pocket Bank Style Banknote Counter

Top Level Two Floor Banknote Counting Machine

MÜHLEN Vision, a two-pocket banknote counting machine with advanced systems, is ahead of its competitors with its special technological and mechanical design. TL, USD, EURO, GBP, SAR, RUB can be loaded in 40 different countries such as automatic recognition and mixed count feature. In addition, while counting these coins in a mixed state, they combine the sides and sides of the coins and offer the user a unique experience and convenience.

Dual CIS V9 Scanning System

Thanks to the bidirectional scanning system (DUAL CIS V9), it is able to recognize the bidirectional currency and value fully automatically, as well as detecting 100% counterfeit money, giving a perfect and accurate result. The counterfeit money alert completes the count without stopping the count and throwing the fake money upstairs.

Payment System and Customer Display

With Mühlen Vision’s payment system, it is sufficient to enter the desired amount on the screen. The model will be delivered to the user by counting and separating the amount entered on the screen without error. The model reflects the total amount and the number of money counted to the customer screen through the extra external customer screen.

Ask for Price

100% Counterfeit Money Detection

Mühlen Vision model, with a bidirectional scanning system specially designed for TL, EURO, USD, GBP, SAR, RUB all the world’s currency by detecting 100% counterfeit money without stopping the count up. The model perfectly checks the coins from both surfaces, with 14 layers and 76 points.

Color 3D Touch Screen

3D color touch screen is extremely user-friendly model, All operations can be done easily via the touch screen.

In addition to Counting modes from the touch screen, the type of money to be counted can also be selected from this screen.

Automatic Money Recognition & Multiple Money Counting

Thanks to dual CIS (DUAL CIS V9), MÜHLEN Vision double-currency counting machine automatically recognizes and adjusts the currency automatically, regardless of direction or face.

In addition, it simultaneously counts TL, USD, EURO denominated nested and mixed and lists the result details on the screen.

Serial Number Retrieval

Regardless of the front or back count direction and type, the DUAL CIS V9 scanning system has the ability to receive and store serial numbers in all currencies, listing on the screen of the machine for users and printing from the printer for users who wish.

It has the ability to transfer to PC via PC interface.

Technical Specifications

  • Counting all coins and reading their values ​​(Dual CIS V9)
  • 100% counterfeit money capture with 14 layer counterfeit money detector
  • 2-ply design to counterfeit or abnormal coins
  • Accurate money counting with dual-way scanning system (Dual CIS V9)
  • Transfer counting report and serial numbers to PC with special program
  • Display count report and total on 3D color screen
  • 3D Touch LCD TFT display with user-friendly menus
  • Automatic currency recognition and multi-country money counting at the same time
  • Multiple money counting mode with TL, USD, EURO simultaneous counting
  • Jam Anti-Jam technology to prevent jamming during counting
  • Detailed reporting: display of count result and amount on screen
  • Flexible counting options with 7 different counting modes
  • Ability to combine the faces and directions of the coins in order
  • Ability to print with the extra MÜHLEN Printer 2 printer
  • Lifetime update for new and changed currencies
  • Detectors: UV, MG, MT, IR, MTL, 3D, Laser, DD, CIS
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance with openable cover system
  • Fully Turkish menu and warning system
  • 3 different speed options: Slow, Medium and Fast
  • Recognize all sides of money with 3D technology
  • Serial number on coins and both surfaces
  • Separate the desired amount with the payment system
  • 500 coin feeder
  • 250 banknote output capacity
  • 150 rejection capacity
  • Body coating made of ABS
  • Wear-resistant steel frame structure
  • 24 months warranty


  • Almost all world money counting mixed
  • Counterfeit coins to the top floor without stopping the count
  • Getting the serial number of money from any direction
  • 100% counterfeit detection in all currencies
  • Scan coins with state-of-the-art Dual CIS V9
  • 3D touch color TFT display
  • Automatic money recognition without selection
  • Transfer of dumps to PC with special PC interface

Physical Properties

  • Dimensions: 280 (Width) X 260 (Depth) X 315 (Height) [mm]
  • Weight: Net. 10 Kg. Gross: 12 kg.
  • Interface: USB, LAN, RJ11
  • Power Supply: 100 ~ 240V AC, 50 / 60Hz
  • Power Consumption: Max. 50W
  • Display: 3.5 inch Color TFT LCD
[:tr]İki Katlı Banka Tarzı Para Sayma Makinesi[:en]Two Pocket Bank Style Banknote Counter[:de]Die zweifache Geldzählmaschine im Art von Bank[:ar]ماكينة مهلان ويشن لعد النقود ذات طابقين على نمط البنك [:]