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Coin Counting and Sorting Machine - Mühlen Fhöle 2
Karadeniz Dış Tiraret

Mühlen Türkiye

Mühlen Fhöle 2

Coin Counting and Sorting Machine

Latest System and Superior Features

The newly developed Fhöle2 coin counting and sorting machine has a highly functional display of competing models. Compared to the previous model, many new features have been added to our designed model, with new technological systems are produced to be user-friendly focused.

Everything on One Screen

MÜHLEN Fhöle II model, which displays the counting result and counting detail on the same screen at the same time, offers excellent performance with its improved LCD display. The user can view both the total amount and the count report in detail on the same screen. In addition, when the user presses the “REPORT” once, the count reports are displayed in units.

Count Result & Details on One Screen

Owing to the large three-row LCD display, the user can see both counting results and details simultaneously on one screen. Whether the user sees counting reports as a quantity or as a quantity, this machine gives a unique experience.


Fast Counting and Sorting

Compared to other models, Fhöle2, which makes counting very fast and error-free, transfers the coins in a mixed state accurately to 5 different coins.

This model, which counts 550 coins per minute, offers the user free support between 0 ~ 999 for each value.

100% Accurate & Precise Counting

Thanks to its newly developed precision channels and built-in special sensors, it achieves 100% accurate counting results without error.

It recognizes coin in three dimensions with its privileged mechanisms designed to prevent possible money jumps or shuffles.

Durable and Long Life Machine

Thanks to its specially developed processor and durable circuits, the most durable and long-lasting Fhöle2 model among coin counting machines is specially designed for intensive use.

Thanks to the power card developed with “Power” technology, it continues to operate with the same power without being affected by electrical voltages in any way.

Large Box and Feed Hopper

Designed for intensive use, our model differs from other models with its large dry hopper and feed stack capacity.

The large box hopper can hold 250 to 500 coins, while the feed stack capacity is between 1500 and 2000.


  • Display count result and count detail in one screen
  • Display the count report as a quantity or value
  • Parsing coins of each value
  • Perfect coin counting at high speed
  • Ease of use with large three-row LCD display
  • Display the total and details of the instant count
  • Much faster and more robust now with 2nd Generation
  • Self-test with “NV5” processor
  • Show any errors found on the screen
  • Strong and durable mechanical system structure
  • Large feeding hopper between 1500 ~ 2000 pieces
  • Ability to stack between 0 ~ 999 pieces
  • Design suitable for daily intensive use
  • Does not jam due to groove and set system
  • Dust-free anti-static sensor kit
  • 3D system to recognize money in
  • Accurate counting result with dual motor power
  • 100% accurate and fast counting
  • 550 error-free coin counts per minute
  • Feed hopper capacity 1500 ~ 200 pieces
  • Counting box hoppers between 250 ~ 500 pieces
  • 24 months full warranty


  • User-friendly with three-row large LCD display
  • Display counts and amounts in one screen
  • Displaying the report on the basis of quantity or LIRA
  • Complete scanning of money thanks to 3D ”technology
  • 550 counts per minute

Physical Properties

  • Dimensions: 345 x 306 x 258mm
  • Weight: 3.9kg
[:tr]Bozuk Para Sayma ve Ayrıştırma Makinesi[:en]Coin Counting and Sorting Machine[:de]Zähl- und Sortierungsmaschine für Münzen[:ar]ماكينة مهلان فولى ٢ لعد النقود الفكة وفرزها[:]