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Coin Counting & Sorting Machine - Mühlen Fhöle
Karadeniz Dış Tiraret

Mühlen Türkiye

Mühlen Fhöle

Coin Counting & Sorting Machine

Mixed Coin Counting and Parsing

MÜHLEN Fhöle model, which stands out with its durability and accurate counting among coin counting machines, counts 450 coins in per minute. This model, which has the feature of separating the mixed coins while counting, distributes 1 TL, 50 Kuruş, 25 Kuruş, 10 Kuruş and 5 Kuruş to separate hoppers.

Detail Report Submission

Turkey’s most favored model MÜHLEN Fhöl the total amount of pounds and offers the user the amount of money in the form of reports for each breed. When counting coins, it saves time and makes an accurate count because it separates from each other.

Wide Supply & Counting Hoppers

It provides a great convenience to the user with its 5 different boxes where the coins can be separated as well as the large coin container that can count 1500 to 2000 coins at per minute. Large counting box hoppers can take between 300 and 500 coins.


100% Accurate Counting

The model, which counts 100% accurately and fast, gives faster and safer results thanks to the double engine selected in its production.

It provides accurate counting results with its renewed counting system and laser sensors.

Long life

Mühlen Fhöle, which has been on sale since 2004 and is known as the most robust model in the market, has now reached a more robust and faster structure with its renewed system.

The model has a warranty of 24 months and has a life of 10 ~ 20 years depending on the usage.

Showing Total Amount and Detail

In our model, which is set to show the total amount of counted and allocated money on the screen, it lists the quantity of counted pieces to the user by means of the REPORT ”button.

In addition to counting and sorting, it is a very user-friendly model by presenting detailed report to the user.

Stacking Feature

The Mühlen Fhöle model, which has the ability to stack between 1 ~ 999 for each value, performs the same name stack when separating coins.

When the stack number requested by the user is reached, the machine stops counting and the display shows which value reaches which amount.


  • Counting and separating coins
  • Counting and sorting 450 coins in per minute
  • Powerful AC main motor and DC motor
  • Displaying the total result on LIRA basis
  • How many values ​​are counted on the screen
  • Ability to set stacks for each value between 1 ~ 999
  • Stored amount of decks with improved memory system
  • Long lasting system performance
  • 1500 ~ 2000 pieces of coin feeding hopper
  • Dust and stain-free, static floor surface
  • 7 digit digital count and report display
  • 250 ~ 500 large containers
  • 100% accurate counting rate
  • Most robust and reinforced model
  • Silent and fast counting
  • One button count
  • 24 months full warranty


  • Counting and sorting coins
  • Counting 450 coins per minute
  • Double engine, laser system construction
  • Detailed reporting feature
  • Detailed stacking feature

Physical Properties

  • Dimensions: 345 x 306 x 258mm
  • Weight: 3.9kg
[:tr]Madeni Para Sayma & Ayrıştırma Makinesi[:en]Coin Counting & Sorting Machine[:de]Zähl- und Sortierungsmaschine für Münzen[:ar]ماكينة مهلان فولى لعد وفصل النقود[:]