[:tr]Bozuk para sayma makinelerinde tartışmasız lider konumda olan Mühlen markasının geniş model yelpazesi bulunmaktadır.
Bütün modellerimiz, karışık haldeki madeni paraları değer tutarı olarak sayarken, aynı anda birbirinden ayrıştırarak her bir değeri farklı kutularda toplamaktadır. Modellerimiz genel olarak, hız konusunda ve LCD ekranda raporlama sayesinde birbirinden farklılaşmaktadır.
Türkiye’de en fazla referansa sahip olan Mühlen markası modellerimizden kendi ihtiyacınıza uygun modeli seçmek için, aşağıda sistemimiz tarafından oluşturulan filtreleme seçeneklerini kullanabilirsiniz.[:en]Mühlen brand, which is the undisputed leader in coin counting machines, has a wide range of models.
While all of our models count mixed coins as value amount, they collect each value in different boxes at the same time by separating them from each other. Our models differ in general in terms of speed and LCD reporting.
most with reference Mühlen our brand model in Turkey to choose the model that suits your requirements, you can use the filtering options created by our system.[:de]Die Mühlen Marke, dass eine Geldzählmaschine ist, hat eine breite Modellpalette.
Unsere Modelle zählen gemischte Geldstücke und sammeln gleichzeitig die Werte von verschiedenen Feldern. Unsere Modelle unterscheiden sich in Bezug auf Geschwindigkeit und Berichterstattung auf dem LCD Bildschirm.
Die Mühlen Marke hat viel Referenz in der Türkei und Sie können Ihr gewünschtes Modell auswählen, indem Sie die unten angegebenen Filteroptionen benutzen. [:ar]العلامة التجارية Mühlen ، التي يمكن القول أنها الرائدة في آلات عد العملات ، لديها مجموعة واسعة من النماذج.
كل نماذجنا تحسب العملات المختلطة كمبالغ قيمة ، بينما في نفس الوقت تفصلها عن بعضها البعض وتجمع كل قيمة في صناديق مختلفة. وعموما ، فإن نماذجنا تختلف حسب تقارير شاشة السرعة وشاشة LCD.
يمكنك استخدام خيارات الترشيح التي أنشأها نظامنا في الأسفل لاختيار النموذج الذي يناسب احتياجاتك من نماذج العلامة التجارية Mühlen ، والتي لديها المراجع الأكثر في تركيا.[:]
Showing all 8 results
- Counting and sorting coins
- Counting 450 coins per minute
- Double engine, laser system construction
Mühlen Fhöle
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- User-friendly with three-row large LCD display
- Display counts and amounts in one screen
- Displaying the report on the basis of quantity or LIRA
Mühlen Fhöle 2
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- Counting and sorting coins
- Counting 600 coins per minute
- Self-testing
Mühlen Münzen
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- Counting and sorting coins
- Counting 600 coins per minute
- Self-testing
Mühlen Münzen 3
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- Up to 1500 counts per minute
- Double deck system, zero breakdown
- Accurate counting with steel rail system
Mühlen Jet 3
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- Counting Coins At High Speed
- Ability To Connect A Printer
- counting Money In 3 Different Modes
Muhlen Jet 5
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- Automatic coin winding and rolling machine
- Any 80-100 grams of paper can be used for the roll
- Ability to corrugate coins with a diameter of 17-31 mm
Mühlen Fishek H16
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- High quality thermal printing method
- Ink-free thermal printing
- Compatible with all our models
Mühlen Printer 2
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