Karadeniz Dış Tiraret

Mühlen Türkiye

Muhlen Atom 5 (9380)

Professional Mixed Coin Counter | TL,ERO,USD,GBP

Reading and Mixed Counting of Values for TL,USD,EUROGBP

The MUHLEN Atom 5 (9380) model, which has the ability to count the whole amount of TL, USD, EURO, GBP coins in a mixed state and by reading their value, performs well in old and new cubes regardless of the direction thanks to the mutual double CIS system and can count all kinds of coins without errors in a single pass.

Multi-Mixed Counting Option

The MUHLEN Atom 5 model has the ability to count all TL, USD, EURO and POUND coins in a mixed state at one time and at the same time. It lists the counting result separately for each coin on the same screen and sequentially.

This high-tech model is also equipped with high-quality components and state-of-the-art software.

Printer Output Port (Counting)

MUHLEN Atom 5 model has an output port that can be connected to an externally purchased MUHLEN Printer 2 thermal printer. In this way, the user can print the detailed breakdown of the money he has counted or the serial numbers by pressing a single button.

In addition, there are 3 different speed levels that the user can adjust, 800, 1000, 1200 per minute.


Fake Money Detection Rate: 100%

MUHLEN Atom 5 model professional money counter detects 100% counterfeit money in TL, EURO, GBP (POUND) during counting. It catches 99% fakes of USD.

Apart from this, as soon as the counterfeit money arrives, the machine warns the user both in writing and audibly and stops the counting momentarily.

Receiving & Displaying a Serial Number

MUHLEN Atom 5 model, thanks to the dual CIS system, can read the serial numbers of all TL, USD, EURO, GBP coins in both directions regardless of direction thanks to the dual CIS system.

The model can display all these serial numbers on its screen, as well as buy an extra one, the MÜHLEN printer 2 model can print out paper with a date and time with a thermal printer.

3 Different Counting Options

The MUHLEN Atom 5 model, which has 3 different counting options including Mixed, Single Money and Flat Counting, has a large color TFT display.

In this way, the user can display the total amount of the count, the number of counts, the number of refunds and the date / time information on the same screen, as well as the list of counting details and the serial numbers of coins on the screen with the help of a single key.

Automatic Money Recognition

The MUHLEN Atom 5 model has an external external display with an extension cable to make it more convenient for the counterparty to see the total and number of coins counted.

In addition, the model automatically recognizes the type of money placed in the machine (TL, USD, EURO, GBP) thanks to the automatic money recognition feature and automatically adjusts the counting method according to it. Thanks to this, the user does not need to change the menu with any keys.

Technical Specifications

  • Counting money with value and amount: TL, USD, EURO, GBP
  • Counterfeit detection rate: 100% for TL, EURO, GBP | for USD: 99%
  • Ability to get serial number and list/show on the screen
  • 100% accurate counting at once with dual CIS system
  • Show result detail list on large color TFT display
  • Informing with voice and written warning system in Turkish
  • Accurate and accurate counting of worn and new coins
  • 3 different counting modes as Mixed, Single and Straight counting
  • Openable back cover system for easy cleaning
  • Zero jamming rate with “anti jamming” system
  • Deck, append, date/time feature
  • Easy update via USB flash memory
  • UV/MG/MT/IR/MTL/3D/DD/CIS systems
  • Adjustable speed: 800,1000,1200/Minute
  • Fully user-friendly with setting menus
  • Automatic and manual counting
  • printer connection output connection
  • Free external customer display
  • Date time setting and display
  • Feeding hopper: 500 Pieces
  • Output chamber: 200 Pieces
  • 24 Months Warranty


  • TL,USD,EURO,GBP Mixed Counting
  • Counting all coins at once
  • Up to 100% fake detection
  • Error-free counting thanks to Dual CIS-2
  • Getting serial number/All coins

Physical Properties

  • Net Weight: 6 kg.
  • Gross Weight: 7 kg.
  • Machine Dimensions: 287mm×270mm×235mm
  • Box Dimensions: 370mm×347mm×360mm
[:tr]Profesyonel Karışık Para Sayma Makinası | TL,ERO,USD,GBP[:en]Professional Mixed Coin Counter | TL,ERO,USD,GBP[:de]Professioneller Gemischter Banknotenzähler Gerät | TL,ERO,USD,GBP[:ar]آلة عد العملات المختلطة المهنية | TL,ERO,USD,GBP[:]