Karadeniz Dış Tiraret

Mühlen Türkiye

Mühlen Bankier

Banknote Counter

Economic & Hardwearing

Bankier type that gives you %100 guarantee about catching fake money is designed to make correct counting as long-lasting.

Mühlen Bankier that our brand’s the most economic banknote counter catches fake money, monies that sticked together, money that has different size during the counting and it stops the counting after cathing one of the abnormal situation, then, it warns the person who is using the bankier at that time by verbal or written warning.

Custom Designed Screens

The screen is designed sepecial as that can around widely to one can use it in every position.

Also, thanks to the double counting screen and control panel, you can see and use your counter in any way.

Safety Count and Personalized Settings

Our model that has extensive references provide secure service thanks to counting system and catching fake money system.

Model has adding, Opening and Closing 2 Dimension, supporting, automatic and manuel counting as well as the other sensitive detector levels can be arranged as you wish.

%100 Catching Fake Money Rate

The model has plenty of fake money dedector inside of it and it tests every money in 20 way.

Mühlen Bankier type determines the fake money and warns the user as verbal or written warning. When it determins fake money during the counting, it stops the counting, immediatey.

Economic Price, Economic Design

Mühlen Bankier type is ergonomic, as the most economic banknoter counter in our firm, designed for little and middle intense of businesess.

Apart from being economic, it is ergonomic and thanks to it designed as small, it nearly can be used in every area, our model tought as wieldy and then launched.

Dedectors That Can Catch Different Size of Money

Owing to 2D tecnology that our banknote counter has, it counts truly as it determines aspect ratio of the monies during the counting.

It determines the different size of any money inside of money bunch during the counting and after that it warns the user as verbal and written warning, immediately.

Functional Screen Technologies

Mühlen Bankier type designed specially ,as the main screen of it can turn 90° and 180° and that’s why it ensures easy viewpoint.

Also, it has side screen and thanks to this it makes easier your viewpoint and that’s let the client can see the number of money at the same time.

Technical Specifications

  • t counts monies as TRY, USD, EURO, GBP correctly
  • It has %100 fake money catching rate
  • Catching fake money in all kind by using UV, MG, MT, IR, 2D system
  • It controls the reality by using 20 different ways to every kind of money
  • It has multilayer UV, MG, MT, 2D and IR dedectors
  • It determines money that is sticked together and stops counting.
  • It provides 3 screen as main, side, out and by the help of it it provides view in every respect.
  • Replacable and configurable detector sense levels
  • Verbal or written warning technology for user
  • Controlling system about different size of money with 2D
  • Manual and automatic money counting option
  • 180 and 90 degree pivotable screen design
  • Improved verbal and written warning systems
  • It can count 1200 banknotes per minute.
  • Adding and bundling skills
  • Ergonomic and small design
  • 24 months guarentee


  • Can count all types of money
  • Catch all types of money
  • Determines fake money with UV, MG, MT, IR, 2D systems
  • View from anywhere with 3 different counting screens
  • Determines different size of money
  • Ergonomic length, economic price

Physical Properties

  • Dimensions: 300 x 260 x 165 mm
  • Net Weight: 7 kg
[:tr]Para Sayma Makinesi[:en]Banknote Counter[:de]Geldzählmaschine[:ar]ماكينة مهلان بانكير لعد النقود[:]