Portable Thermal Printer - Mühlen Printer 2
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Mühlen Türkiye

Mühlen Printer 2

Portable Thermal Printer

Portable Thermal Printer

The portable thermal printer, specially designed for money counting machines, prints the desired report and information quickly. In the printer using standard pos device paper, the paper width is 58 mm. The thermal printer, which is very small in size, is considered a portable product and is designed to take up space.


Our MÜHLEN Printer II model, which has serial and fast thermal (thermal) printing capability, can be easily connected to money counting machines with cable connections.

Toner & Ink

Designed specifically for money counting machines, the thermal printer is capable of printing quickly and in series. It is produced to meet every need easily with high print quality without using ink with thermal technology.

Portable Design

The Mühlen Printer II thermal printer, designed in a small size, covers a very small area. With its design and size that can easily fit anywhere, it is the primary solution to save space.

Which Models Are Used?

The names of the Printer II models that can be used in all models of MÜHLEN brand that can produce paper printings are fully compatible with Master 3, Master 5, Sucher 2, Sucher 5 and Vision models. In the specified machine models, it gives the counting detail report and serial numbers of the counted coins on paper.

Thermal Printing

The Printer II model, which can print without ink, prints completely with heat technology. While saving ink, improved high quality printing system provides error-free and fast output.


In our model, which has two types of reporting options, you can easily print the counted money in detailed report and serial number of money.

The date and time specified in the output, after the money counting the name of the company or person on which you received the money, you can put in your safe for storage.

Technical Specifications

  • Thermal printing with thermal technology
  • Fully thermal printing without ink
  • Special design for money counting machines
  • Fully compatible with MÜHLEN models
  • Ergonomic and small size design
  • Detailed reporting list of counted money
  • Printing the serial number of the counted money
  • 90 mm per second fast printing
  • Connection interface: parallel / serial port
  • 384-point print density / sharpness
  • 100 Km document length life
  • With adapter and cables
  • 24 months full warranty


  • High quality thermal printing method
  • Ink-free thermal printing
  • Compatible with all our models
  • Ergonomic and small size structure
  • 90mm print speed per second

Physical Properties

  • Net Dimensions: D.185mm X W.125mm X H. 95 mm
  • Net Weight: 400gr
[:tr]Portatif Termal Yazıcı[:en]Portable Thermal Printer[:de]Portative Thermal Drucker[:ar]الطابعة الحرارية المحمولة مهلان برينتر ٢ [:]